Excel Pivot Table and MS Access



Hi Y'all,
thanks for taking the time to help me in advance. Here is my issue:

I inherited four MS Access databases. These four databases live out on our Y: drive. An excel pivot table pulls data from these four databases and displays the information. However, to make my life happier, and to get a degree of data security, I have combined those four databases into one large MS Access Database. The problem is now that I run my reports and get the information I need, management wants me to update the tables from my one super database back into these four little databases, so users can run their pivot tables off of the four database. I have tried linking the tables in the four smaller database back to the one large super database to update the tables, and this is not working. For some reason, the pivot table in excel does not pull any current day's data. Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this situation? Thanks again!