high cpu usage


With the recent win1 reboot, I am told that my site caused the problem. Scripting on my site has been disabled. I have been told to fix the site.

Problem is, the site's not broken. It has been running without incident all week, as has win1. I have not changed any code, so I am at a loss to understand how it could have caused any problems today. It also works fine on my dev box at home.

I have asked for clarification (ticket# 5192) but no reply yet.

Yash, I don't know who I am speaking with in the ticket, but I need to discuss this as I am confident that my site should not have caused any problems.
Robert, your site was not disabled. The ticket response was a miscommunication between who was testing your site and who replied to your ticket. Your site was disabled for 60 seconds at the most while it was being tested for cpu usage
