How can I setup Visual Studio to connect to my project

Hi, I tried to connect to project from web, but cannot.
Has anyone succesfully connected to their project on Jodo.
If so, could you tell me how to set up studio to connect, so that I can recompile my projects.

"Visual Studio .Net 2003"

I'm sure there are plenty of customers that have done this. What error are you getting while trying to connect (I believe you have to connect via FTP)?

Some of our customers prefer to compile locally and then upload via FTP
I cannot connect to the directory. Could you list the steps that I have to take to setup the ftp. The reason we do not compile and then upload, is because appearently studio creates some pathing information in the dll files which throws off the tabs in rainbow. I was thinking that maybe compiling in release mode would solve this, but not sure.
I'm not certain but I don't think you can connect by FTP. At we use Frontpage Server Extensions, maybe give that a try.
You have to recompile it on your computer, and then you can copy the contents of your application just by selecting the menu project and the Copy Project option. You have to have frontpage extentions enabled and your login is the same as your FTP acount.

I use this all the times, because it only copys the files that are needed for the application to run.

VS is the best :D