How do you view pc temperature???

The other day, playing with my pc, I opened a window where I could view its temperature.

Now, I dont know how I got there...and have already wasted too much time time searching.

DOes anybody know??

It's really idiotic that a simple Google search can NOT find a straight answer.
Try it yourselves... search and you will find everything but a direct answer: "just click here/and here/and there"

DOes anybody know?? How to view current temperature in the pc?

Thank you
never used it, but my googling came up with

I don't see anything in Windows System Information or Computer Management. But, I'm also on Win2K at the moment. My XP computer is at work so I can't check that now. Maybe it's an XP feature?

skypanther said:
.. Maybe it's an XP feature?

It's a motherboard feature. If your motherboard supports hardware monitoring, you'll usually see an option for it in the BIOS, where it will often show the temperatures and fan speeds. If the board supports it, the manufacturer should have some free software you can run from Windows to monitor it. Check their website.

Sisoft Sandra also shows temperatures and fan speeds for most boards, plus gives lots of other useful hardware info.
Onboard diodes (Motherboard temperature reporting devices) are notoriously inaccurate. A Dynamic thermal controller allows you to place multiple thermocouples in diverse locations, allowing you to monitor your CPU, case, Video card, etc with a higher degree of precision while also controlling fan speeds for optimal noise reduction and cooling performance.
hafa said:
Onboard diodes (Motherboard temperature reporting devices) are notoriously inaccurate.

True enough, but they're stable, so they work well for comparative purposes. They're certainly good enough to tell you if one fan is better than another, or if your overclocking experiment likely to cook your CPU.

hafa said:

Can you get BBC World Service on that?
bro said:
It's a motherboard feature. If your motherboard supports hardware monitoring, you'll usually see an option for it in the BIOS

Yeah! Thats where I had seen it...and forgot.
That?s what an overworked mind will do for you. Beware.

Thank you.
Great response from you guys. I agree, may be not precise...but good enough to work in comparison terms.

Cheers all.