If you are a customer of Jodohost

Hi there. Can someone give feedbacks on the quality of JodoHost ? They've got really good offers but it seems to good to be true.

Please give feedbacks on the support especially as it is the most important thing for a host.

Hello Sleb,

Good to see you here, I will allow some customers to reply to you.
Just noting that I saw your post and am replying,as I do most posts that I can help with around here.
Hello Sleb - Jodo are 100% and put in an incredibile amount of effort to make things happen seamlessly in the background, so we can concentrate on our business/websites and so on. Today I had the the very great pleasure of meeting Mr Atul Kumar at the Jodo HQ in Delhi and was much impressed by his vision and dedication to his company. Also, I managed to meet some of the HelpDesk support staff who are always unfailingly polite and helpful. They not only "talk the talk" but also "walk the walk".

You won't regret joining a great team at Jodo.
Best wishes,
Support at JodoHost is the best I've seen till date. They have many features for as you've already noticed "too good to be true" prices and the support is amongst the best things here :]
Very pleased with their response times.

Now on another note *cough* I'll be expecting a discount for the above Atul/Yash *cough* j/k :D

I heard about that visit! Send me a PM if you are ever in Miami and have a couple hours.
Rob, your visit was a pleasant surprise. I am sure we will be meeting more often.
It looks like everyone knows each other here.

Another question, is the support team online fairly often or not ?
I am based in the UK and calling in India to get support could be hard.
jodos support is 24/7 including online, theres livehelp which am sure is on most of the time, and theres always tickets which are answered within an hour
i've had no problem with support both via email, support tickets and this forum. I mainly traffic this forum on a daily basis just to see what's going on. Many times I've learned a bit just from the other posts here. Jodo is the 8th host I've used in the last 9 years and is the only host I currently use. The supported features, reasonable pricing and great support is what brought me and keeps me here.
When total disk space(web space, mail, databases etc.) used by you is more than allocated in the plan, at that time you will be charged extra.