IIS Application Directory


I want to setup Rainbow Portal and they suggest that I place it in a subdirectory named Rainbow off my root. If I don't do that I need to find several config items and make changes. So I'd like to do as they suggest and create a subdir under my domain. But this subdir needs to be an application directory in order for it to contain its own web.config and work with asp.net as a separate application aside from the root directory.

www.mydomain.net/rainbow would be the subdirectory. I guess I'll either do a redirect in the control panel or a small html or asp page in the root to redirect all users to my /rainbow directory to get the portal.

I also believe I have a second option. If I create a sub domain named something like portal.mydomain.net it will be created as an IIS application directory automatically. I could then place a /rainbow directory in there and use that structure. But I would end up with a URL like portal.mydomain.net/rainbow. Not too bad but it is a long. I'd like to keep it clean and use the first method.

Can I ask tech support to make mydomain.net/rainbow an application directory and use my first method, or is it best to use the second method and do everything myself in a sub domain, or is there another method that would be better. Thanks!
Hi brawney:

Have you tried the RainBow Portal setting? Does it work?

I have a plan to ran a RainBow Portal website. Currently it
works fine on local machine. I am not sure it could be moved
to website. Hopefully I can have a discussion.


I have deployed about 10 sites using Rainbow on Jodohost and it can be done,

1) Create the db using Hsphere
2) All you have to do is create the table rb_Versions:

CREATE TABLE [rb_Versions] (
[Release] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Version] [nvarchar] (50) COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS NULL ,
[ReleaseDate] [datetime] NULL

3) Get Rainbow from the www.rainbowportal.net site.
4) Create a sub directory under your domain.
5) If you have VS.Net 2003 load up rainbow and recompile. Get the Rainbow.dll and put it in your bin directory. You need to have it compiled under the framework 1.1.
6) Make changes to your web.config. These are the lines you need to change:

<add key="ConnectionString" value="server=sqlserverid;database=databasename;uid=databaseuser;pwd=password" />

<add key="SmtpServer" value="mailserverip" />
<add key="EmailFrom" value="adminemail" />

<add key="PortalSecureDirectory" value="http://nameofsubdirectory/secure" />

7) Upload your downloaded code (including the dll) to your sub directory.
8) Go to your sub directory and it should finish the install process.

That works