Code Cleric
First off I want to say thanks for the support that I have found in this forum, you guys rock. Now I'll get on with my user error.
I have set up a few plans, and have subscribed a few of my sites to one of them, to get familiar with things. I have to say once you get over the initial hurdle with HSphere, it seems pretty awesome. Well the question I am left with is this... I have my primary site, the one I will be advertising my hosting with. I have set that as my dns. I created an account called system set to be a service domain. I also went to my domain registrar and updated my dns pointers to be and pointing at the appropriate ip addresses. Now I have given it a couple days and I can ping my domain name, and see that it comes back with the proper ip. However when I hit the same domain in the url of IE I get only a server 500 error. In my "reseller control panel", I think thats what it's called... The overarching cp. I have updated my base reseller url to reflect ... Something interesting... If I try to nav to this I get a "page cannot be displayed" However if I drop the port off the end I get "I am a Jade Rabbit" Thanks in advance.