MSSQL11 Service restart


US Operations
Staff member
MSSQL Services were required to restart on MSSQL11 server due to an error making some connections not work.
It is doing a SQL dump after starting now, we are going to check on a few matters and reboot as well.
So far after reboot looking better, there is a rather major brute force attack on the old Miami IP that is getting forwarded across, we are working to stop that.
I have put in place temporarily a block of the old miami IP, if you are using that you NEED to update the IP to new, or use DNS name anyway, but this needs to be done to stop a rather massive amount of logins being forwarded across.
The Miami IP is allowed again now, at least for the next day or two, we will soon mail about this redirection ending as well.
The attack on old Miami IPs still coming in heavy and being blocked again. Updating to using DNS name, or new IP is simply required now.