Multiple sites with disk space errors


I have several sites that are getting disk space errors when no content has changed. I also noticed that I am unable to change the disk space allotment through Hsphere. Sometimes that settings page will not load. Other times, I submit the page with the updated allotment and it gives me an error saying that the tech will be notified.

This a continuing error with several sites. My customers are about to stage a coup.

What's going on with you guys???

I have a ticket in for one of the sites - CLM-63523-756.

Stephen, what's the deal?

Due to migration of server from 2003 to 2008 server, H-sphere service is disabled on it and this is why you're not able to update the disk space from control panel. Once the migration process will be done. You'll be able to increase/decrease disk space from control panel.

However, manually disk quota has been already increased as per your support ticket request and your issue has been fixed. If any issue still persist then update us on your ticket.
Thanks for the update and getting the issues resolved. I was not aware of the issues related to the migration.

It should not impact sites at all, only the hsphere control panel. Parallel is dragging their feet and their 2008 migration guide downright sucks. The tool to set permisssions doesnt work and my primary task today is to get a collection of scripts written up to do this process.
It should not impact sites at all, only the hsphere control panel. Parallel is dragging their feet and their 2008 migration guide downright sucks. The tool to set permisssions doesnt work and my primary task today is to get a collection of scripts written up to do this process.

Thanks, Stephen.
Are you seeing any more 0 quota issues since we have moved across to Windows 2008? We have a few with some errors on com objects due to 32bit/64bit app pools and resolving for them one on one, and a couple with some odd PHP issues being resolved, but I believe overall very successful!
Are you seeing any more 0 quota issues since we have moved across to Windows 2008? We have a few with some errors on com objects due to 32bit/64bit app pools and resolving for them one on one, and a couple with some odd PHP issues being resolved, but I believe overall very successful!

I think we're all good at this point. I don't know of any issues, currently.

I appreciate you checking.
