New Backup Servers

Kudos to Jodohost for this latest improvement. It's great to see a constant effort to improve service and eliminate the possibility of downtime, without passing the cost on to your customers through higher costs.

Atul, Yash, and the others involved in making these decisions are obviously astute businessmen who understand that happy customers bring in more happy customers, and that results in long-term profitability versus short-term profit-taking.

Your business model is one worth emulating!
Yash, how far away are these backup remote servers? "a few miles" does little to ease my concerns. Unless it's at least 50-100 miles away, it's not a true off-site location as I believe you are intending to demonstrate.
A few miles away in a separate facility. I think that is sufficiently offsite.

Companies do tape backups storing them a few miles offsite. You wouldn't expect them to travel 100miles each day to store their tapes?

I think this is the best arrangement since we have a private network between these two facilities. If we had to transfer hundreds of GB of data every day over the internet, not only would it be slow we'd have to pay HUGE bandwidth bills
There would be alot of data moved daily, at this point, to transfer, it takes a lot of bandwidth, the solution presented here is ideal for most problems.

The main thing I believe is that it is an added bonus to the users as much as anything, JodoHost has the internal backup already, there is nothing that says they "must" use an off-site backup. Just an added bonus :)

At least that is how I see it, personal opinons expressed above.
At least 50 miles? That kind of distance is rarely needed, unless you expect a non-existant 100 megaton nuclear bomb to drop dead in the middle of those 2 sites :D
I worked for a place that passed government regulation with their off-site being just 5 blocks away, :)

The next dorr office did not pass, but the other office did, locked in a fireproof vault of course.