Paypal Payment

I would like to use my PayPal merchant account to accept the payments for the web hosting accounts that I have. How do I do this?
Thanks for the info. But I'm still not very clear about it (actually I wish there is a tutorial about this in Flash).

By the way, I do not have any account with any of the merchant gateways you have in HSphere. Do I need that even if I am going to use PayPal? If not, then which option should I pick from the drop-down list of merchant gateways?

This is how I am planning to implement the web hosting sign up:

1. User picks a plan from my web site.
2. User fills up a form in my web site, providing all mailing/contact and billing information.
3. Web hosting account is "put on hold" awaiting my approval.

Mainly, I don't want the users to use HSphere to sign up for an account. I want to sign them up my self (since anyway there is a moderated sign up option).