query re email



My VPS was 'migrated' from one country to another a couple of months back and it seems to be one problem after another now. Awful as it was completely trouble free for 15 months before that.

Anyway, I have decided it's time to find a new home. I couldn't find any info on your control panels (VPS). Am I missing what you use somewhere?

Also, very odd thing...I'm building a site as a non-profit. The group has 33 members. I tried to create an email forwarder and couldn't add more than 12. When I wrote to support, they said they had to limit forwarders to 15 due to some spam problem they had.

Do you put caps on the number of addresses a forwarder can copy? And if so, what is that number?

I'm not sure if there is a maximum number of forward adresses, but you could use a mailing list if it doesn't work..
Forwards to AOL are about the only limit I know of, as AOL complains about our servers sending spam if a user forwards mail, and even one spam message goes through(not sent from us mind you, but forwarded via our servers)
Thank you Subspace. I did do exactly that, however, for future reference, through another one of my site, sometimes I need to forward to groups who are clients and it's just not feasible to subscribe each email address.

Besides, what I think is really bothering me is all the problems I've had since they moved me versus the complete lack of problems before. And zero notification. About this as well as other things. For example, they arbitrarily began charging me an additional $5 a month without any communication around that whatsoever.

Stephen...what is your limit? I know of at least one aol address out of the 33, but since they are subscribers, it's certainly not spam. Also, what do you use for your VPS control panel? I do not see a demo to show me and would like to know. Thanks.
There is no VPS control panel, it is just a bare OS install.

As for the limits, it depends on what you choose to get(plan), but as I said, the only minor issue we have with forwards is the AOL issue, and as long as the custom does not hit the "this is spam"(or similar) button in AOL, it will be fine.

What I am saying is, the customer may get real spam, but if they hit thethis is spam, AOL will report it as being from OUR server,even if it was not, and this causes problems.
Well, I guess you could consider H-Sphere the VPS control panel :)
It allows you to add extra IPs and to stop/start the server basically.