Questions about Browscap.ini on Win6

I was just wondering how up to date browscap.ini file on Win6.
I tried out some code which pulls back browser information using ASP, this is to be stored in a SQL server DB so I can run reports at a later date.

The problem is that the info getting pulled back is wrong. IE6 SP2 is recognised as Netscape 4.0, and Firefox 1.0 isn't getting recognised at all...

I did a search but this thread is all I could find on the subject and is pretty old...
Does the browscap.ini file get updated regularly?

If not then I guess I'll have to write my own parser :(

PS, a frequently updated version of the browscap.ini file can be downloaded from in various formats.
Hi, the link above was meant to reference this thread.

Thanks for making the change, I'm getting different results now but strangely from here at work its returning the following no matter what browser I use...

Browser: unknown
Version: unknown
Majorver: unknown
Minorver: unknown
Platform: unknown
Supports frames: unknown
Supports tables: unknown
Supports cookies: unknown
Supports JavaScript: unknown

Maybe its our proxy or firewall thats stripping the HTTP_USER_AGENT head data.

I'll add some more debug output and try again from dial up.
I've determined that the USER_AGENT isn't getting stripped. Which is strange.

Could someone try this link and see what results they get? (ignore the layout, I'm just playing around atm).

I'm gonna have a shot at making my own USER_AGENT parser as in the mean time I think.

EDIT: This 4guysfromrolla example is returning the same results for me. Very strange...

EDIT2: I've tried via dialup using about a dozen different browers/browser versions and all are returning different USER_AGENT strings but give the same results... :(
Odd, so you want the old file back?

I am not sure why the new one would not work, and it has been rebooted since the change as well.

I thought it might be a permissions issue and checked that, only one user was different from the original file permissions, I added that (aspnet, should have made no diff for this asp page) and it didn't change anything.
I just dropped it back to the old file and it is now not unknown for everything. I wonder if that ini file was corrupt, he did it before he was leaving, maybe rushed it out. I will see if I can get a slightly older version, but not as old as the one that was there.

Edit: FIXED! I used the lite version and it seems to be working just perfectly.