6 months of growing pains... what are you telling your support staff? "Crazy Americans?"
Do to my adoring personality, I am able to smooth over my own clients complaints and deal with the fact that I am unable to resell hosting via my resellers account because it is UNRELIABLE. How many more meetings, how many more excuses?
Thanks for spending 8 hours on this... I for one have spend MANY sleepless nights troubleshooting problems with JoDo Host, so your not getting sympathy from me.
I say all this because if your are down, there is not an automatic refund of fees... One has to email billing and explain the issue. I have to explain that the hosting is unreliable unlike Mr. Billing doesn't all ready know that. After about 3 "issues" a month, the value in the host is deminished. Hosting needs to be up and online 99.999999999% of the time. And your support systems need the same reliability. This is not the first time "ticketing" has had a problem.
By the way, at this time, how long has ticketing been "Out of Order"?