Scheduled Cl1 Win14 migration to windows 2008 R2 - Wednesday 06/05/2015 03:00:00 AM CDT


Windows Team
Staff member
We will be finalizing the Windows 2003 to 2008 R2 move for Win14 server on Cluster1.
With the end of life nearing on windows 2003 there are an increasing amount of attacks and problems coming on 2003 based servers, we are taking this time to move 2003 based servers to 2008 for existing clients.

There will be a few moments of outage as the IP addresses move between servers, and we test on the new server to ensure all sites are operation.

We will migrate the IPs and finalized the migration.
Per-Migration task is taking much more time than expected, we will be migrating it tomorrow instead.
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This migration will not take place till the weekend as there are many subdomains on it on a few users that is making the process of creation take a very long time.
Forget to update here, it is migrated now.
If you have any issue please open a support ticket with mention all details