Upgrade to FasgCGI on old HSphere accounts


It would have been NICE to get notice of this upgrade to FastCGI...........all my scripts stopped working this morning............z
It happened due to H-sphere upgrade, otherwise we always announce for server maintenance before making any change(s).
An upgrade to HSphere is one thing......HSphere is only a control panel........Changing Apache configuration is another...........z
Zardiw, it is how the php selection is expanded and allowed/upgraded otherwise there would be a lot of issues. For the most part there isn't a code or difference in the cgi/php modes that is major for common apps, I realize however you've posted one such and are using a lot of custom code and may be impacted more.
The out of box apps don't really change and in most cases will run better with less hassle.
PHP_AUTH_USER is a pretty common value. It gives you the user that logged in while using .htaccess logins. Any script that uses that will no longer work on FastCGI. Again, I have posted what the solution is on another thread. And it's a good thing there IS a simple solution to this. But that's not the point. The point is you updated Apache functionality without EMailing us..........And if I hadn't found the solution about a week earlier (took me about a day to find), it would have been a lot worse......

PS. It sort of begs the question that the solution to this is to use a different Server variable: REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER, which obviously IS populated with the logged in user. What would have been so hard to instead keep PHP_AUTH_USER populated..........lol......I realize that's part of Apache and not JodoHost.......but really......lol.........z