webserver problems?

Web2/MySQL2 dropped from the network about 5 minutes ago. NOC staff is rebooting it

Serious issues again? When was the last time Web2/MySQl2 had issues? ?(
web2 has not had a single outage. Has registered close to 100% uptime since its been up.

I dont know what meganta meant by being down always :) Even our Windows web servers haven't had any major incident in the last few months
Ok its back up. Less than 10 minutes after it went down.

Very minor issue. i'd really like to know what you meant by "being down again". Since our linux servers have been exceptionally stable
Greggers said:
does www.jodostatus.com not work or do we need logons to it to find out instant status of servers?

We are actually having a new status page to replace that shortly. It's not being used. We'll be having our own camera fitted too so you customers can see all the servers, zoom in and rotate it. Next time the hard disk issue light turns on, you'll be the first one to know :)
well, my sites and mailserver are often down because of some technical errors. Just check my ticket reports since I've become a customer of Jodohost.

I'm very happy with the support and features Jodohost are providing, but when my sites and mailserver is down, I'm freaking out :(

Since I'm running a business, and when I'm not able to read e-mail or show my sites to my customers, it's not professional. I hope you understand ...

but keep up the good work :D

my customerid/username is: kairoen
Well, I agree we have had some minor mail server issues in the last few weeks but let me assure you that they were resolved fully in a short period of time (less than 60 minutes).

Regarding your website being down, I find that hard to believe. Web2 has had ZERO issues. Our entire helpdesk system is hosted on that and if it went down, we'd be the first one to know :)

The only issue I remember you were facing was with slow PHP pages which Tanmaya solved for you (and told you the problem was you were using full paths instead of relative paths)
regarding the slow PHP pages, the solution was not changing the paths. I've just changed the connection string to the MySQL database to IP address instead. That solved the speed problem
OK, my mistake.
But please don't state the web server has been down when it hasn't. I agree you may have been disturbed by the recent (although minor) mail server outages but let me assure you we are doing and have done quite a bit to ensure those few issues we have had over the last 8 weeks on it do not happen again.

I'm closing this thread now since the issue at hand was resolved a while ago

You can email me at yash#$@#$jodohost.com if you have anything else you'd like to add