WebShell on Win2


Really hate to bring this upon the forum.

I opened a ticket about WebShel problem on Win2, and I did got a reply said "we have gone throug the problem and get back to you soon after fixing it.". Ok, I wait, but now the webShell still not working, and the ticket got closed by JodoHost. Why? X(

The webShell on Win2 got problems since last Win2 failed. Can somebody in JodoHost look into it? Please don't tell me use FTP, I am use WebShell password protect feature, not file upload purpose. Thank you very much.

The ticket # is 26789
The password protection feature in webshell is highly unreliable and makes the server crash, do you enter a lot of usernames and passwords? I can manually password protect it if you do not.
With that being said, webshell should be working now regardless. (Edit: one of the other administrators did install webshell but they used webshell4, it is much improved over webshell3, however the control panel i believe is still looking for webshell3)
Ok, one last update, fully resolved.

The statement about password protection still holds true, there is a bug in the DLL that the password protection utilizes.
Thank you very much Stephen, but I still got a lot of error messages in functions.php and treemgrht.php. Webshell is still broken.