Only mobile internet? How could you survive?
The last time I lived in North America was pre-internet, and even then, I had several friends who had completely eschewed just about all technology and lived in the woods in Yurts and teepees year-round.
Here in Micronesia, there are areas that still live traditionally, without power or household telephones, many of these by choice rather than necessity. Even on Saipan, where development is high, there are folks who choose to live the "old way" and have no problems doing so.
Ironically, I was a late adopter of cell phones; I didn't get one until I was forced to for business reasons in 2001. If it weren't for business, I'd likely have little problem joining my friends up there on the mountain. I really have no complaints, however, as I enjoy doing what I do and embrace technology as a means to an end, rather than an end unto itself.
Now excuse me while I go spend 4 hours researching the latest "bling-bling" laptop...