WIN21 Site Down Completely Today



My client's site on WIN21 is now down completely! It is showing a Hsphere startup page. Please fix ASAP!!!

See tickets: #QSV-22869-742 and FKL-36447-987

Anyone else having issues with WIN21 migration?
No response on ticket, chat or phone. I have not been able to create emails on WIN21 account this week and submitted tickets asking what was going on. The responses have been short and uninformative. Noew the site is down and it's not clear why. I asked if the IPs were changing and they said no. But it appears they my IPs have changed without warning. This is not cool!

IPs could change, but it depends on the site. Win21 is not down, and win33 is not down. but we have seen that some people do not have the index page set in Hsphere, which makes pages not come up properly.
Thanks for the reply Stephen.

OK, site is back up now. After move the default page was reset causing the issue but IPs were changed as well. I asked about this earlier this week and was told no IP change. It may not be an issue but I've got SSLs and other DNS items set via IP so it would have been good to know.
I have checked and replied, but also checked win21 and your site is up and running on the dedicated IP still there, for the next couple hours, it should not be down at all.

you will need to change those A records, I can pause the delete process off win21 so the DNS records change can happen for you, but it will lock the email management till unpaused. If you want that let us know.
Hey Stephen,

Hmmm... The A records are what I was worried about. When I go to the site I'm getting the new IP now but a pause would probably be a good idea. Yes, please pause the delete process on win21 until the DNS change propagates. To be clear I need to change the A record to x.x.x.147, right?
only for that one domain, or its aliases, the others will be the 106.25 shared IP as I listed in ticket (don't get confused by DNS server IPs, they are rather irrelevant)

move paused, let us know once you are ready to unpause, then we will process the final move (delete) off of win21.

If the domains are pointing to our nameservers, there should be no problem unless all default records were removed and made as custom A records, if they are pointed elsewhere, of course you'd need to edit the A records there. As long as default records aren't removed, the migrations go well as they update the DNS and stay live on both sides for 24 hours time.
Hey Stephen,

Thanks for following up. I just sent you a private message to follow up. Thanks!