Win23, Win24, Win25 Maintenance for MVC and updates 11PM-1AM 29 and 30th


US Operations
Staff member
We will be installing any needed updates and ASP.NET MVC on Win23/24/25 between 11PM and 1AM EST on the night of the 29th and morning early of the 30th possibly if it overruns a bit like tonight.
Win25 is currently installing and IIS is down for that, and Win24 is downloading.

edit: Win25 iis up now but reboot coming within 15 minutes.
I am going ahead with a reboot of win23 now, while working on win24 at the same time.
Win24 ping came up just as I was starting to issue the reboot to win23 as well, so win23 will be rebooting, and win24 services starting up now.