wish list: global email notification


OK, so here's a wish list item for HSHPERE:

The ability for the hosting admin to send a notification email to all email accounts on all domains in their hosting account. This would be a great way to notify all clients of changes in email policies or planned outages...
Yes, that is available in your admin CP, do blank search for accounts, then select mass mail.
Atul said:
Yes, that is available in your admin CP, do blank search for accounts, then select mass mail.

Thank you, Atul

As usual, JH makes my wishes come true! :tongue:
Well, shucks..

I just sent an email to myself... :rolleyes:

It looks like this feature just sends it to the account registrant, which in this case is always me since I directly manage all of my accounts.

What I was hoping for was the ability to send emails to all of the addresses assigned to all of the domains in all of my accounts...