Search results

  1. L

    Which blog engine?

    The only helped I needed from jodo is to ask them to setup your directory as .net 2.0 compatiabile. After that, upload your community server files, setup a sql server 2000 database and go to the installation webpage, the rest is simple, just follow directions. You can get that up and...
  2. L

    sql server compatibility mode

    Okay, this is not related to jodo in anyway. I just curious if any of your fellow .net developer has dealt with sql server compatibility mode. Here at work, we needed to change our sql server 2005 's compatibility mode to 9. I use managment studio express and from what I understand, I should...
  3. L

    Paypal commerce kit

    I got it running but the last step which needs to talk to paypal requires full trust, can't do it here on jodo in 2.0 directories. Jodo here in .net 1.1 allows full trust though. For the minute, I might need to move my csk to another host temporarily till jodo 2.0 directories start to...
  4. L

    Which blog engine?

    .text has been integrated into the community server now. I use communityserver 2.0, though a bit overkill for blogging purpose. Works great though. Installed here on jodo, not a problem.
  5. L

    Management Studio

    okay, got it resolved. sorry about that. what happened was my managmeent studio express didn't show sql edit by default. when i displayed it, the default database dropdown it chosed was "master", obviously, that's wrong. so I selectd my dadtabase instead, everythign went fine. thanks.
  6. L

    Management Studio

    okay, can somebody tell me what i'm doign wrong here? I downloaded their sql script, loaded into the managment studio, exectuetd the script, i got the issue above. Now, isntead of exectue them directly, I open up "New Query", copy and pasted th script into the "new query" area, exectue...
  7. L

    Management Studio

    Hey all, I'm trying to execute some sql scripts (from CommerceStarter KITS for use with sql server 2000) here to create some tables in my database using managment studio EXPRESS, but I'm getting errors like "CREATE TABLE permission denied in database 'master". I'm looking at a demo, and the...
  8. L

    Paypal commerce kit

    Anybody used this? I just read on the forum and seems like csk 1.1 need "full trust" I'm curious as if anybody have it installed successfuly? In addition, i'm thinking of purchasing ASPDotNetStoreFront shopping cart...
  9. L

    SharedSSL, and paypal

    Thanks guys. Yeah, it seems like the only choice you have to stay in your site is to use paypal pro which has a monthly charge of $20 plus some. I guess I have to purachase an SSL on our own. Also, my client seems to be using versign Payflow pro, and that needs to be installed on the...
  10. L

    Secure ASP.Net Programming

    what is that you dont' feel you might not be programming securely? for one thing, whenever you query against db, you need to put them into ParameterCollection to prevent sql injections. In addition, password or senstive information should be encyrtped and decrypted. On top of all...
  11. L

    SharedSSL, and paypal

    Anybody implemented an ecomemerce site here? I don't know where to start. I mean I understand how and paypal's api works, but in terms of setting it all up here on jodo, what do you need to do? I have a potential customer who would like to host here, and my first question...
  12. L

    problem with user ticket log in

    Are there anybody having this same issue as I do? I tried to log into user tickets and normally, I have to try two or three times before I can log in. once logged in, right after I finish writing my ticket, click submit, I get logged out immeidately. so I have to try login again, write the...
  13. L

    ticket submission problem?

    My bad. I actually got a reply in email. It's just the ticket disappeared in the support section. I'll submit again. Thanks Stephen.
  14. L

    ticket submission problem?

    Hi, I sumbitted a ticket because I had problems with my database dbo permission. It was not fixed and so I checked my ticket history again, it was there yestoday and today that ticket disappeared altogether. Should I submit again? Need help to update the dbs asap thanks
  15. L

    How to synch local mssql 2000 with jodo?

    been tight down with my job, forgot to check back. THANK YOU antic. At least, I can have something to base off my work with now Great work bro. Thanks for sharing.
  16. L

    How to synch local mssql 2000 with jodo?

    Antic, sorry for asking so many question cuz it seems like you know everythign that I haven't thought about yet. For sepearate app solution, do you use sql server 2000 to genreate the database sql? I just took a look at it, it has a "Gerneate SQL script" option.... and then setup a visual...
  17. L

    How to synch local mssql 2000 with jodo?

    Thanks Antic. Looks like backing it all up might be just easier. Good suggestion on deleteing relationships first and then copy it over. I'll really have to think about this from now on. First time synching 2000 with a remote server.. boy.. what a hassel.
  18. L

    How to synch local mssql 2000 with jodo?

    Antic my man, thanks again. Writing your own synch process is really complicated isn't it? I dont' even know where to start with that. Got any useful links? Stephen, first, about back up. Do i right click on db name, all task->BackUp Db->Database-Complete & give a destinateion filename? Second...
  19. L

    How to synch local mssql 2000 with jodo?

    okay thanks stephen. I just tested it out and seems like there are relations missing using dts for some reasons. I'll back it up and submit a ticket later. Thanks for the tip.