Management Studio


Hey all,

I'm trying to execute some sql scripts (from CommerceStarter KITS for use with sql server 2000) here to create some tables in my database using managment studio EXPRESS, but I'm getting errors like "CREATE TABLE permission denied in database 'master". I'm looking at a demo, and the guy is using "Management Stuido". Where do you get the "proper" version and not "express"? It's a part of sql server 2005 or what?

Is this why I'm getting the problem? because he is tyring to execute it against his hosting as well. I didn't see him get any error.. or is this a permission issue related to jodo host only?

This is the video

okay, can somebody tell me what i'm doign wrong here?

I downloaded their sql script, loaded into the managment studio, exectuetd the script, i got the issue above.

Now, isntead of exectue them directly, I open up "New Query", copy and pasted th script into the "new query" area, exectue, i got through. What's the difference?

okay, got it resolved. sorry about that.

what happened was my managmeent studio express didn't show sql edit by default. when i displayed it, the default database dropdown it chosed was "master", obviously, that's wrong.

so I selectd my dadtabase instead, everythign went fine.

Express is lower end than the full version, so that won't really matter.

I had not seen this sooner or would have replied, it is on the wrong database, and as a user you can't edit the "master" database :)
Sometimes the DB is specified in the SQL script, if it is not you must use the drop down as you learned there.