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  1. B

    Joomla 1.5.23 Mail Settings

    I've been using PHP Mail Function [email protected] Sendmail: /usr/sbin/sendmail SMTP Auth: No Security: none SMTP Host: localhost for most of Joomla/Linux sites. It seems to work fine, though I only do mostly mail to admin. The one site that does use SMTP works well, too. SMTP...
  2. B

    Web 15 down, yet again

    Whatever the hacking situation, which we've talked about PM, I'm now fairly convinced the original problem with the web15 site is actually down to mysql8. It's been on and off slow to dead slow tonight, and switching the database used to mysql7 improved response times enormously. It seems the...
  3. B

    Web 15 down, yet again

    Well, that didn't last long.... the private site I added on web13 was hacked for a phishing scam earlier today. The subdomain I created for it had never left my desktop, so I can only assume FTP traffic was sniffed. I changed all the FTP passwords, and took a backup and updated a live...
  4. B

    win24 mysql perl not installed?

    The problems seem to be all sorted out now. I realize that migrating a shared server with multiple legacy dependencies to a completely new location is not a trivial thing, and I know JH is a company which will always stick with it to do a complete job, thanks to the great support staff they...
  5. B

    Web 15 down, yet again

    Actually I now think it might be mysql8 again all along. I switched between the 2 identical sites today (web13/mysql8 and web15/mysql8 ) and noticed delays were comparable on both. When one worked well, so did the other, but they both appeared to slow down at the same time, too. So maybe...
  6. B

    win24 mysql perl not installed?

    3 Movable Type 4 sites down on the newly migrated win24. Support created the virtual directory to point to the cgi-bin as usual but now the (previously-working) login screen gives the error below. They also made a new php.ini for some reason, but I haven't found out why yet. Joomla/mysql works...
  7. B

    Web 15 down, yet again

    My problems today certainly lasted more than 10 minutes. Sites were completely gone for periods longer than that, and it was painfully slow for a period of 2 hours or more. Even when it worked, Joomla admin pages were taking around a minute to load. In fact, I was able to completely download and...
  8. B

    Web 15 down, yet again

    Web15 sites having problems again with connections and poor performance. In all my time with JH, this server has been the most unreliable POS I've ever used with any of my sites. I already lost one customer because of multiple problems with slowness and erratic connections on this server, and...
  9. B

    PHP mail script for web15?

    What mail components/scripts are available for use (and working) on web15? I don't use PHP a lot outside of CMSs, but last time I think I was able to use phpmailer, which appears not to be installed. (Anyone got a complete working mailform script using SMTP, by the way?)
  10. B

    ZipArchive installed?

    The Joomla extension I want to install requires ziparchive, and won't install without seeing it. I'll look at the code to see if it's possible to modify it to get it to install. I believe ziparchive will be standard on php 5.2 onwards, though, so some apps will expect to see it.
  11. B

    ZipArchive installed?

    ZipArchive is apparently standard on PHP 5.2 up, but doesn't seem to be installed/enabled on web12 (at least.) Can it be?
  12. B

    Special characters corrupted

    A site on Win28 has had all its HTML special characters corrupted. For example, ” characters are now showing up as ¡± (even in the source code.) I had this happen a few weeks ago on a Joomla database, and went through and corrected all the changes manually, but this is in a plain HTML...
  13. B

    mysql error/bug

    Looking good now. Thank you.
  14. B

    mysql error/bug

    A Perl update sounds likely, from what I can gather about this bug (Google returns a lot of unhelpful results, mostly nothing to do with MT.) It's a rarely updated site, and hasn't had an application update for a while, so no-one has been there for a few months. It can't be used at all now...
  15. B

    mysql error/bug

    A Movable Type site on mysql.m**** suddenly shows "DBD driver has not implemented the AutoCommit attribute " on the admin login page, and there is now no way to log on. No changes have been made to the site setup, so some change has evidently been made on the server side...
  16. B

    Reseller Account Paypal

    You need to set it in Paypal for hsphere as it doesn't do it itself. Normally, you add the IPN URL to the payment details that go to Paypal, and Paypal will then make the IPN to that address. Unfortunately, hsphere doesn't do this, so Paypal can only use the default IPN you set on their site. As...
  17. B

    Tricky SQL Question

    SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT Participant.PartId) AS PartCount [...inner joins...] WHERE (QuestionId = 1) AND (Answer IN (2, 3)) Maybe?
  18. B

    Is DNS faulty?!

    I have a client reporting they are getting dozens of returned emails today and yesterday that went out through mail.m**** with the same message "Sorry, I couldn't find any host named (#5.1.2)" (and various other working valid hosts) A re-send sometimes works, sometimes not...
  19. B

    CP broken

    Stephen, It's been set to https and 443 for a long time. The cert has been expired for a year or so, so that's not a problem. I first noticed it had changed to https and 80 when I went to make a manual credit, and of course couldn't get into the admin section because of that. I hadn't changed...
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    CP broken

    I got a message from Paypal yesterday saying IPN wasn't responding for my client hosting payments. "Please check your server that handles PayPal Instant Payment Notifications (IPN). IPNs sent to the following URL(s) are failing...