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  1. S

    Site Setup in Dreamweaver

    thats definitely an issue of your local and remote folder not being matched. example: local folder: H:/Sites/Clientname/Publish/html will match up to remote folder on FTP: /username/ so in DW, make sure to: a) use "H:/Sites/Clientname/Publish/html" as your base local...
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    spam assassin

    what an SA rules group? the weird thing is that on this Yahoogroup, some mails come thru ok, and some are marked as spam.
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    spam assassin

    bump :)
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    Site Setup in Dreamweaver

    you just have to make sure that you have selected the correct folder in setting up the new site. match the root local folder (whatever you call it) - with the remote folder called ""
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    ISPs blocking smtp port 25.. can Jodo offer another port?

    sorry for my ignorance, but where is this change made? thanks
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    spam assassin

    hi all. i just knocked my spam assassin settings up a notch (to aggresive, and maxscore to nuetral). i then send a message to a Yahoogroup i am a member of, from Outlook. i got it back (as part of the group) with it being blocked as spam, with the following reasons: Content analysis...
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    SEO - WebPosition

    Has anyone got any experience with Webtrends WebPosition? I have an option to upgrade, but the features dont seem amazing (of either Standard OR Pro...) thanks!
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    Out of Disk Space Error again

    Task '******** - Sending and Receiving' reported error (0x800CCC92) : 'Your e-mail server rejected your login. Verify your user name and password in your account properties. Under Tools, click E-mail accounts. The server responded: ??prules: fatal: unable to write to...
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    ok, thanks Stephen
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    thanks J. i guess its just frustrating 'cos its not consistent
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    mmm... 2 questions then: 1) even if it does get to 60 secs (which it doesnt) - shouldnt my "Server.ScriptTimeout = 3600" Ovreride that? and 2) Sometimes - the same page can display perfectly, and othertimes (within minutes or seconds) will give the timeout error. what could the...
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    Hi all, i have a small app using ASP and an MSSQL db. On some pages, i am getting an error "Timeout expired". No error number or anything. i have already set "Server.ScriptTimeout = 3600" in the code, so it should be an issue, and as it is, the pages loads over about 20 secs and then...
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    ASP with PHP (WordPress)

    oh ok :) found it, thanks!!
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    ASP with PHP (WordPress)

    Stephen, Thanks. Do you mean create the file "index.php" - but these files already exist - created by WordPress.
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    ASP with PHP (WordPress)

    Hi there. I generally code with ASP, but have just installed WordPress, which is PHP based. I notice that the server isnt sending "index.php" as the default file - its just giving a "Directory Listing Denied" error, i assume that its because there is no "default.asp" etc file. how can i...
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    cp / mssql manager

    i think that my mssql manager was switched off for one of the domains. i had to re-activate it (which didnt work first go). its been a few weeks since i last logged in, so not sure when it exactly happened. On win10. just to let you know...
  17. S

    need advice: multi-user Blog system.

    Hi all. I am looking for a multi-user Blog system to install for a customer, hopefully someone somewhere has done this before... There should be a way for anyone to open a new blog, whith their own regular admin options. site admin should have permissions to disable blogs, or maybe change...
  18. S

    win12 sloooow?

    Thanks Stephen. the file downloads perfectly now. i'm not too worried about the speed (as you say - it depends more on the ISP), as long as the download completes. and the site is nice and quick loading too. Thanks again Stephen.
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    win12 sloooow?

    Thanks Stephen! is this the speed or download issue you are reffering to?