

Hi all,

i have a small app using ASP and an MSSQL db.

On some pages, i am getting an error "Timeout expired". No error number or anything.

i have already set "Server.ScriptTimeout = 3600" in the code, so it should be an issue, and as it is, the pages loads over about 20 secs and then displays as is with the above error message- so its not even waiting minutes for the script.

any ideas what this could indicate?

The server stops it at 60 seconds, if it is dying at 20, I am not sure what is causing that.
Stephen said:
The server stops it at 60 seconds, if it is dying at 20, I am not sure what is causing that.
mmm... 2 questions then:

1) even if it does get to 60 secs (which it doesnt) - shouldnt my "Server.ScriptTimeout = 3600" Ovreride that?


2) Sometimes - the same page can display perfectly, and othertimes (within minutes or seconds) will give the timeout error. what could the reason to this discrepancy be?
the timeout error is coming from SQL, changing the asp timeout won't fix that. Figure out what's going on with your query or the db and you'll be good to go.
The ASP timeout on the server settings overrides what you set :)

If you cna view output of the error(timeout), I suspect SQL may be throwing a SQL Cost error, saying that the query will exceed the cost limit of 60.