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  1. E

    a few questions

    Ravi has said how to add a custom record. to change the IP addresses asssigned to a nameserver, you need to do as i said on the previous page, regarding UK reg. where ravi has said about create dns record, you enter the name server example with the IP Address you have been...
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    a few questions

    Yes you can still use your own nameservers and you just need ot change the ip assignment that is explained above, if you change the ip assignment to jodohost IP's your name servers and will then direct...
  3. E

    postfix changing port 25 to something else

    im not sure, but i know 587 is the alternative port, can try using that. for sending emails.
  4. E

    a few questions

    i have a couple domains with UKREG, AKA fasthosts. you change the IP Address for the name servers, go to the domain example ( click nameservers for then where it has the nameservers add Primary IP Address Secondry IP Address...
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    a few questions

    regarding nameservers you can create child name servers with almost all hosts, who are you with? at the moment you can use and you need to go to your domain registar and set up the name servers with the IP's within your server alias section within...
  6. E

    ASP Activated on Signup?

    i think i also had this situation. and i also had it set to active, i know i had problems with asp, i think .net was ok
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    mail relay question

    jodohost please correct me if im wrong, jodohost has 1 dedicated mail server, but in the event of it being down there is a secondry/ back up server. from exsperiece the mail server very very rarely goes down. even though they have one, i get emails quicker than i cabn send one then...
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    API and SSL

    hi all, this is mainly to jodo, but its not required quickly the API currently runs on 8180, do we have a SSL port to use the API? as i would like to post some data though SSL if able to.
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    I have noticed customer demand for both ASP.NET & ColdFusion

    they are conpatible, but its industry standard these days having CF on a server without asp and if you ask very very nicely to jodohost they may create an account on win6 that last time i knew had both on, but i would not gaurantee it.
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    Secure Webmail

    im not sure but i think i head stephen saaying its not possible at present, you maybe able to add a custom one within your account, then secure the domain thats used but not sure
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    Honest answer about email support from user

    i would agree with you all. i would say well done to the team. they really give a help in hand. they sometimes go further than they have to.
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    Cerberus error

    ok, thanks alot. :] keep up the good work
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    Cerberus error

    i am still getting a simular email apart from its the email address. i had mentioned this within the ticket ticket ID : CEU-86260-739 i have just checked by sending another email and it didn't work.
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    Capping Bandwidth

    the mass mail is for you the reseller. you can then take the capp off any dokain held within your reseller accounts we have also installed the feature jodohost use on its customer s on ours. they have to submit a form like jodohosts to us then we will take the cap off.
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    default index on new accounts

    100% agreee with you on this. its fresher and more inviting i think . i think at least the skin changed as you said.
  16. E

    default index on new accounts

    it is a global default page. i agree its not the best, jodohost have you thought about using the CP template that exists now for an idea, its so mare inviting etc only jodohost can change it
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    Using a Domain Name with Jodohost without Transferring It

    domain names are resloving alot quicker these days. some within 10 minutes or sio. depending on registrar. at some point you should have entered and, ussually when registering the domain this would be done.
  18. E

    Viral testimonial on

    uim using Mcafee and AVG both upto date and dont set them off, up rodate meaning updated less than an hour ago.
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    Capping Bandwidth

    note that unless you submit a mass mail form you are limited to 100 (100) emails from each address, so you can only send 100 from anyone email address, recieve within your plan diskspace limits though. if the form is submitted there is no limit
  20. E

    Annonymous support feedback..

    greggers, that can be changed submit a ticket and ask for it to be changed to 1 hour(s0 or what ever