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  1. O

    Win2 slow than Win15?

    Hi Stephen, Please could you take a look at this ticket - ACS-47496-772 All my sites have gone down. To be honest, I'm sick of either sites going slow or, mainly in the past, sites going down altogether. Thanks.
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    BlackBerry Support?

    Hi all, I'm looking at changing my phone to something which I can use a lot more easier (and cheaper) to pick up my emails - which are obviously hosted by JodoHost. My question is, does anyone have experience with BlackBerrys', and how the 'push email' works? And is it available through...
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    Zen Cart Issues - strpos() & permissions

    Thanks Stephen - LXY-74044-567
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    Zen Cart Issues - strpos() & permissions

    I was hoping JodoHost might have come across these before... After a clean install of Zen Cart, I receive the following error on the tops of all pages; Warning: strpos() [function.strpos]: Empty delimiter. in C:\HSphere.NET\3rdparty\PHP\5.2.3\prepend.php on line 32 I also receive...
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    Anonymous Support - Is it enabled!?

    Now sorted - I had to resubmit my URLs under my CP login;
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    Win2 slow than Win15?

    Does anyone have experience with sites on both these servers? I (being the reseller account), is hosted on Win2, and a client is hosted on Win15. My sites always seem slow to respond, however client sites seem pretty quick. As an example, we both run PunBB message boards (he runs 1, I run...
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    Anonymous Support - Is it enabled!?

    Sorry Stephen, it's still showing the old support ticket page on my clients still. EDIT - I've opened a ticket: OZD-70750-696
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    Anonymous Support - Is it enabled!?

    Thanks Stephen - do I need to do anything to rectify it? Just checked one of my clients, and it's still the same. Cheers.
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    Anonymous Support - Is it enabled!?

    I signed up for anonymous support in Dec 2005, and I'm sure that when it was enabled, clients would go to (in their CP) 'Support Center \ Make a New Ticket' and they'd be taken to the reseller helpdesk ( However, I've noticed recently that it doesn't go to the...
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    Paid To Click Ads

    Just thought I'd share this site with everyone... It's a simple way of making some extra $ for a couple of minutes per day. I've had a couple of pay outs, and it pays for a couple of beers down the pub at the end of a hard week! Obviously the above is a referral link...
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    Compress - Zip File Password

    This problem is still happening - every single directory I try and ZIP to download. Once downloaded, I try and extract and it's wanting a password. I'm extracting using XP's built in ZIP utility. I admit I haven't tried using any other utility, but I don't really want to use any other to be...
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    New Account / Domain Welcome Page

    Sorry if this has been asked countless times before, but couldn't really find anything... Is there anyway of resellers customising the welcome page which are created when new domains are added to an account? The brown / khaki colours are terrible (IMHO), and it would be a brilliant, if not...
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    new quotas

    Billing \ Online Price (Not Reseller Price - on mine anyway).
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    CP Login on Reseller Site

    Brilliant! Cheers! Any ideas on the Helpdesk login? Thanks again!
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    CP Login on Reseller Site

    I'm sure I read how to do this somewhere, but I can't find it... What I'd like to do is have a small form on my reseller site, allowing people to login to their CP from there, however I can't get it to post the details correctly. Basically, to start with, I have; <form id="cp"...
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    Best way to send a mass email

    I've used the following before, and works great; Allows signup, unsubscriptions etc. Also allows tracking of how many people have read the newsletter etc...
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    Service Unavailable

    What happened? At about 13:41 GMT, all my sites and CP were showing Service Unavailable for approx. 30 seconds - 1 minute Anything happen at Jodo?
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    Spam from me to me

    As a note, Hotmail has always done this to me - if I send an email from my Hotmail to my Hotmail, it puts it into Junk, even though I've added my address into the safe senders. Bizarre!
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    PHP Error Query

    I got it working on a Windows server, but then ran into another problem... Once a forum had been created (ie, test), it created a file named after the forum. The user then accessed, for example, www.domainname/forums/test and it would open their forum. However, the test folder isn't...
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    PHP Error Query

    Thanks Neeraj - YKZ-14446-630