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  1. J

    How can I stop IE from limiting no. of chars in textarea?

    here's your problem. the form with the textarea is being submitted by a "GET". Make it use "POST" and your problem will go away. IE does have a limit to the size of a url, including the querystring, and that's the limitation that you're coming up against. There is no way around this issue...
  2. J

    JodoHost down?

    same here. fortunately my sites are working, so this doens't bother me.
  3. J

    Which is your preferred editor to write ASP code?

    all wysiwyg editors sucks, even dreamweaver. Using dreamweaver purely for the coding is ok, but I have to say I'm a homesite user. The main reasons I like homesite is for the configurable color coding of the code, macros and the fact that I know every keyboard shortcut there is for it (many...
  4. J

    Finding the key fields in SQL database.

    np, just trying to give back what I can.
  5. J

    Using multiple domains for one site

    If you aren't sure whether to point the domain to ns1/ns2 or ns3/ns4, using nslookup will tell you. If the name server doesn't have a listing for the domain or is pointing to the wrong ipaddress then you know that that name server isn't the one to point to.
  6. J

    Using multiple domains for one site

    you can always check the name servers to see where it's setup. Here's how to do that. Open up a command propmt (start->run->cmd) type in nslookup and press enter. type in "server" (or whatever server you want to check) then type in the domain you want to check. It will tell...
  7. J

    Calling all X-RC Members

    the move has been nothing but positive for me. the transfer can take some time if you have a lot to transfer, but the greatest feeling will be the day you get that last account moved over and you cancel the RC account.
  8. J

    Finding the key fields in SQL database.

    try this: set rsprimarykey = conn.execute("select * from information_schema.table_constraints where (table_name = '" & db & "') AND (constraint_type = 'Primary Key')") set rsprimarykey2 = conn.execute("select column_name from information_schema.key_column_usage where (constraint_name = '" &...
  9. J

    ns3, ns4 question

    create ns1/ns2 registries with your registrar but use the ip addresses for ns3/4. That should take care of your problem.
  10. J

    Server Move

    it looks like now, email is finally being sent though it can still take 2-3 times to try sending before it successfully connects to the mail server without timing out. Hopefully the load thins out soon and things get back to normal quickly. Yes this was due to the move. I control the...
  11. J

    Server Move

    Since I can no longer respond to the server move thread, I'm starting this one. As of now, I am still unable to send email. Sites are up I can check email but am unable to send it. I have a ton of email stuck in my outbox waiting to be sent. I tried the live chat as told by ATUL here...
  12. J

    If you are a customer of Jodohost

    i've had no problem with support both via email, support tickets and this forum. I mainly traffic this forum on a daily basis just to see what's going on. Many times I've learned a bit just from the other posts here. Jodo is the 8th host I've used in the last 9 years and is the only host I...
  13. J

    URL Forwarding versus DNS Pointing

    nope, that's just updating the name server.
  14. J

    How to protect files and directories?

    the safest way is to put the file outside of the web accessible root (ie the root of your ftp, not the directory of your site). Then you can use code to pass that file on to your users after checking security. or you can also store the file as a blob in SQL and stream it from there.
  15. J

    Passing Parameters in a Query String

    it isn't necessary to replace spaces with the url encoded value of %20, all browsers from the last few years, properly read spaces. Server.Urlencode works with asp too. The values you need to be most careful that are encoded are ampersands (&) and equals (=). If those are in a value for a...
  16. J

    Another suggestion

    I think that using local servers is the only way you can get around this. Unfortunately, everyone knew where Jodo's servers were located before signing up, or at least could have known if you wanted to. Knowing where the servers are is something that you have to take into consideration when...
  17. J

    Javascript email address obfuscation

    I wrote a simple javascript function to "hide" email addresses from spam bots too. I have it up on many sites such as (sites I haven't put any content on yet). It's a bit more simple and just as effective. You can pull out the styles to make it even more simple...
  18. J

    Proud To Have Met You

    i see you're using the guesbook code from here: Replace, your sign.asp with this file.
  19. J


    looks good except the links on the left are hard to see (news hours and profile, i think), because of the tree in the background. I would probably go with a somewhat brighter color than that red so that it contrasts a little better <script>alert('test');</script>
  20. J

    Proud To Have Met You

    i have to agree about the flash drawbacks. Besides the issues of link following and indexing, I have flashblock installed (which is gaining a lot of popularity), so flash doesn't display at all for me, unless I specifically tell it to. Also, I'm never a fan of having embded music on a site. I...