Search results

  1. M

    Enom Domain Registration Configuration

    Here are the docs for setting up Enom in the Domain Registrar Manager in Hsphere. Can resellers set this up or is it only available to the reseller host? I'm also using enom and would like to know if it can be integrated with...
  2. M

    24x7 Annon Support Query

    Atul, when you say testing again, do you mean beta testing? Is this beta testing available for resellers to test like Yash had mentioned earlier?
  3. M

    24x7 Annon Support Query

    22 days since the last post... any update on this? ?(
  4. M

    24x7x365 Anonymous support

    Being that it's Dec 31, 2004... Is there any update or announcement for the Anonymous Support?
  5. M

    24x7x365 Anonymous support

    You mentioned a Java programmer was working on this support. Is the support via web text chat? Will there be phone support also, because that's what I thought when I first read the announcement.
  6. M

    Python installed?

    Thanks for checking Stephen. I think python support is much more popular on Linux servers anyways (like PHP and Perl). However, the latest version of python is 2.4.0 so 1.5.2 is really out of date. It sounds like it was included in the default install of Red Hat. Any hopes of getting it...
  7. M

    Python installed?

    eko, are you confirming that python is installed on jodohost servers, or are you agreeing with the last statement of my previous post?
  8. M

    Python installed?

    Hi. Is python installed on your web servers ( I did a search on this forum and there was a thread that hinted it may be installed, but it wasn't clear. Python is an object oriented programming language often used with or in place of Perl and/or PHP. There seems to be an...
  9. M

    Reseller VPS

    Thanks for updating the prices on the reseller information web page (albeit 6 months late). In the message thread that you linked to about the new pricing, it mentions that: "Each reseller plan now also comes with an additional 64MB of VPS RAM." Does this mean that the LiteHost now has...
  10. M

    Reseller VPS

    Thanks for pointing out how the Reseller VPS works Yash. With this in mind, I was wondering if there are any resellers out there (successfully) selling VPS plans. With the current price structure, I can't possibly see how it could be feasible to do so (am I missing something?). It seems it...
  11. M

    Support for resellers and their clients.

    Hi Atul. Are you any closer to determining if you will charge for the customer support service? It would be helpful to know this because then I can adjust my pricing structure to accomodate for this (I'm working out the pricing for each plan right now). Thanks.
  12. M

    Reseller VPS

    Hi. Is there separate reseller pricing for VPS accounts (perhaps discounted prices from retail)? If a reseller has high demand for VPS accounts, but has exceeded his plan's VPS quota, is there anything he can do other than upgrade his reseller plan? If the answer is to upgrade his reseller...