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  1. J

    Error Message Running Install.php

    Will do! Thanks Stephen!
  2. J

    Error Message Running Install.php

    I get the following error message when trying to run a PHP file on my domain to install some blogging software (NucleusCMS): "Your PHP version does not have support for MySQL" However, I have two other instances of NucleusCMS running on the same server with no issues. The domain I get...
  3. J

    Slightly Disappointed

    Stephen, I appreciate your response, and I appreciate you and Yash taking such an active role on the forums. Without your guidance and help, I would have opened a million and one tickets by now. But on this issue, I have to take exception. I understand the $10.00 fee is a one time fee...
  4. J

    Slightly Disappointed

    Yesterday after reading a post in the Forums about ASP.NET 2.0, I was informed that you had to open a ticket to have 2.0 enabled on your domains. I did so. The response came and it said that I had to pay to move my domains to a server that supported 2.0. After checking the service levels on...
  5. J

    Can't Login to Mail Through Webmail or Control Panel

    Hi, I cannot access my e-mail accounts (multiple) through any of the webmail clients (Horde, Squirrel, etc) nor can I access the mail boxes through the HSphere control panel. I get "Incorrect Password". I have even gone to the trouble of resetting my password in CP still with no luck. And...
  6. J

    Protecting Windows Folders

    Thanks guys for all your help. I forgot to mention that it all works just fine now. John
  7. J

    Protecting Windows Folders

    I've looked at that link, and it's useless. All it says is that it's possible. It doesn't give any instructions on HOW to do it. It says to click the Help button in the interface, which I've done and the manual says to click the "Add" button, but I don't see an add button. I really need help...
  8. J

    Protecting Windows Folders

    I know this question has been answered a few times, but all the responses didn't seem to help me. I'm on Win7 and I'm trying to protect a folder. i.e. Username/Password access to the folder. The last time I did this, I had to open a ticket, so I opened a ticket and they said I now had the...
  9. J

    Blog App Available?

    Hi, I have a Windows account and would like to add a blog to one of my sites. I've been thinking about using Dasblog as it seems pretty robust, but I'm not sure about setting it up on Jodo's servers. Is this allowed? Do we have something functional already available? Searches on the fourms...
  10. J

    MSSQL Manager Problem

    I don't see a stand alone app there to download. What am I missing?
  11. J

    MSSQL Manager Problem

    I saw this as a problem in the forums 2 years ago, but it seems like it was never resolved. I've recently found myself without SQL Server Enterprise Manager and have been trying to figure out how to manage my databases without it. I came across the MSSQL Manager in HSphere and initially...
  12. J

    Reply to Mail List

    Hi, I'm setting up a mail list that I'm moving from another server. On my previous providers mail list, I was able to set a property to allow all replies to mail list topics to go back to the mail list and not the individual user. For example: user [email protected] sends a message to...