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  1. T

    Create Email Account via Web

    I created a site for a client using ColdFusion and they need to be able to create and delete email accounts for their domain. However, I'm not so sure I want them to login to the control panel to do so. I would much rather create a interface built into the site that would allow them to...
  2. T

    CFCPath Not working for me

    I recently added my site and now I can't get my CFC stuff to work. In my application.cfm i have code that refers back to the path so that I can reference it by name rather than the whole path everytime. However I can't get it two work. This is the code I have: <cfset cfcpath =...
  3. T

    CF MX 6.1 Syntax

    Does anyone know where can I find the proper syntax for CF Tags using CF MX 6.1? I have developer edition of MX 7 installd and when I upload it, a lot of my code does not work and I have to alter it based on the errors I'm getting. When I go to help on my developer edition it is for MX 7 tags...