A little help from Mac and Linux users


Exalted Code Master!
I need a little help from a couple of folks running case-sensitive operating systems, such as Linux and OS-X.

Could you look at these two files:


and tell me what you see inside?

You should see one file (test.txt) and two folders (testdirectory and TESTdirectory, each with a file inside). In the gz file, all that will be within a casetest folder.

These files were created with a php script on one of the linux servers here. On my Windows system, the resulting archives have just one folder (testdirectory) containing both of the test files. On a friend's Mac, there are separate folders.

It seems that what you see inside these archives depends on the case-sensitivity of your client operating system. I'm trying to confirm that.

i am on a mac. both files downloaded and extracted fine. each archive has a blank text file and two folders inside (testdirectory) and (TESTDirectory.1)

hope this helps
Thank you! Yes, that does help. It confirms that what you see inside a zip or gz archive depends on your client OS not on the OS of the system that created the file. It makes sense in a weird way but I wish it worked otherwise.
