Any way to retrieve info about rejected mail?


I have a customer who spent a few days away from their PC last week. They switched the PC off so it wasn't downloading mail. They came back to find that someone had sent a huge email that filled their mailbox the first day they were away, and they lost all following email for three days.

1- Is there any way to retrieve those emails?

2- If not, is there any way to retrieve any information about them, like the email address? I don't know if anyone received rejection notices for the refused mail.

3- Should I not have received a resources 'Warning' email about this as soon as the mailbox filled up?
you mean it filled their quota?

Sadly no you can't tell, but anyone that sent got a bounce message so they should know to resend.
So what happened to the warning emails that are supposed to tell the customer and the reseller that the mailbox is over quota?

I used to get them (jan 05) as I looked back and found some messages telling me a mailbox was overquota. It didn't reject the mails, it accepted them and warned me every day until I closed the account. (It was just a spam trap)

Now it doesn't do that. I just tried it. It rejects any mail that would make the mailbox go overquota, so the mailbox never actually goes over quota. Hence, no warning emails to me (the reseller) or the account contact address and my customer lost 3 days of mail...

This doesn't seem such a good setup as before.
warning emails are set out if you configure it from your reseller admin panel..

I need to check this out. My understanding is that they aren't rejected and the end-user simply gets charged for extra usage
I have 'Approaching Limit Warnings' for Disk Quotas set to 'Warn if disk quota is used by 80%'. I've never changed this. In fact, I get a mail every day for this user warning me that their webspace usage is over 80%, so I know the email warning system works for webspace quota at least.

I set up a 1Mb mailbox and tried it out. What seems to happen with Qmail is that it never lets the mailbox go over the quota. Here's the message:

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at mail.myh**
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.

user is over quota

--- Enclosed are the original headers of the message.

In fact, the mailbox was under 1Mb, but if I sent a mail that would have put it over, it was rejected.
So what seems to be happening is that Hsphere never sees a mailbox go over quota, so never sends a warning email.

Like I said, this wasn't the case in January. Then I got warning emails every day telling me a mailbox was over quota, but mail was never rejected.
ticket 52986

It's not very urgent right now, but it doesn't seem to be the way the system is supposed to work. Maybe something is wrong with my quota warning setup.
I am not saying this is the case here, but in the past in my experience. When a customer gradually gets close you get a warning, when a customer goes over fast because of a big attachment, it doesn't send anything.
I thought that might be the case, but the mailbox I set up to test is 0.98Mb full of a 1Mb quota. It won't accept any mail, even blank ones, and never goes over quota.
how long has it been that way? Hsphere works on averages, and until it averages over quota or near quota, I don't believe it sends.

There could also be an issue with SDU(summary disk usage) where it is waiting for the full sumamry quota to be nearing limits. I will investigate emails and SDU possibilities.
>how long has it been that way?

it's been over 80% for a couple of days now, so I'd have thought hsphere would have caught it by now. if it's going to take days to send out a warning email, a lot of mail may have been rejected in the meantime.
it's still rejecting the overquota mail, in any case, which it didn't do previously.