Anyone find problems accesing CP from Firefox 2.0?


I try to use Firefox 2.0 for acces the CP and webmail. After I click in login, I get a blank page.

In IE 7.0 work fine.

Exist a reason for this?
I try to use Firefox 2.0 for acces the CP and webmail. After I click in login, I get a blank page.

In IE 7.0 work fine.

Exist a reason for this?

No problems here on Firefox 2.x. I would try and clear all your cached content, cookies, and what not... then restart browser and see if you get the same. I have seen weird stuff like that before where I had to clear the cache. Not so much with the CP, but other things.
Early on I had some problems with Firefox. Not blank page, but some icons would not show up. I had made a setting to load graphics only from requested website (to stop adverts popping up on CNN). Somehow, this was blocking some CP icons, so it appeared certain options were not there. Happened mainly when I searched for customers. I could not see my login/suspend/etc. icons.

Switching off the image blocking in Firefox fixed it.
I found was a issue with the webdeveloper pluging.

After a upgrade was disable meta-redirects and Referrers...

Thanks everybody.
Speaking of browsers, has anybody tried to use ftp with IE7? all it shows is an aspnet_client folder and you can't access your directory structure.