The smart/lazy Apache programers were to lazy to do URI recognition right (case insensitive map to file system) so URI's are case sensitive. The HTTP standard says only Verbs are case sensitive, altho I don't think even Apache honors that. It's makes it clear that Domains are not case sensitive.
Not only does case make URI's far easier to read/write, why should not programmers be subjected to the underlying OS problems?
www.PigsReallyFly/DogsFlyToo/SwimmingDog.htm is far easier to read thaN
MS get's it right by accident as NTFS and their other file systems are not case sensitive.
Not only does case make URI's far easier to read/write, why should not programmers be subjected to the underlying OS problems?
www.PigsReallyFly/DogsFlyToo/SwimmingDog.htm is far easier to read thaN
MS get's it right by accident as NTFS and their other file systems are not case sensitive.