I'm no good at ASP, a friend sent me this code which should allow me to display the latest posts from my forum on my front page; however I cannot get it to connect to my SQL server. Someone has told me that the problem might be in this bit - rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon however that might also be a red herring. I am getting the following error if I try and use this script;
Note that there is general HTML before the script, so ignore the line 95 bit.
Here is the script;
Thank you for any help!:
Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e14'
'Incorrect syntax near '.'.
/asp/mb/latestposts.asp, line 95
Note that there is general HTML before the script, so ignore the line 95 bit.
Here is the script;
'## Display Newest Forum Posts with WebWizForums v8.x
'## Just configure the database settings and it will read the latest forum
'## posts. This file should be setup for your website.
'## Mod from
'## Writen by Drew Gauderman (aka MadDog)
'## Email: [email protected]
'## Website:
'## Dont want to do this yourself? Get iPortalX! A Portal with WebWizForum!
Dim rsCommon
Dim adoCon
Dim strCon
Dim strSQL
Dim strLastestPostsModTopicSubject
Dim strLastestPostsModForumPath
Dim intLastestPostsTotal
Dim strDatabaseType
Dim strDBTrue
Dim strDBFalse
'The path to the forum
strForumPath = "/"
'How many new topics to show
intLastestPostsTotal = 25
'// Database connection and settings
'Database settings for Access
'strDatabaseType = "Access"
'strDBTrue = "True"
'strDBFalse = "False"
'Database settings for MSSQL
strDatabaseType = "SQLServer"
strDBTrue = "1"
strDBFalse = "0"
'Database settings for MySQL
'strDatabaseType = "MySQL"
'strDBFalse = 0
'strDBTrue = -1
'Access connection
'strCon = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("../forum")
'MSSQL Connection
'Const strSQLServerName = "snip" 'Holds the name of the SQL Server (This is the name/location or IP address of the 'SQL Server)
'Const strSQLDBUserName = "snip" 'Holds the user name (for SQL Server Authentication)
'Const strSQLDBPassword = "snip" 'Holds the password (for SQL Server Authentication)
'Const strSQLDBName = "snip"
'strCon = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Server=" & strSQLServerName & ";User ID=" & strSQLDBUserName & ";Password=" & strSQLDBPassword & ";Database=" & strSQLDBName & ";"
'Start the database connection
Set adoCon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
adoCon.Open strCon
'Start a recordset connection
Set rsCommon = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
strSQL = "SELECT "
If strDatabaseType = "SQLServer" OR strDatabaseType = "Access" Then strSQL = strSQL & " TOP " & intLastestPostsTotal & " "
strSQL = strSQL & "tblForum.Forum_name, tblTopic.Topic_ID, tblTopic.Subject, tblThread.Thread_ID, tblThread.Message_date, tblAuthor.Author_ID, tblAuthor.Username, tblThread.Message " & _
"FROM tblForum, tblTopic, tblAuthor, tblThread, tblPermissions" & _
"WHERE tblForum.Forum_ID = tblTopic.Forum_ID " & _
"AND tblTopic.Topic_ID = tblThread.Topic_ID " & _
"AND tblAuthor.Author_ID = tblThread.Author_ID " & _
"AND tblForum.Forum_ID = tblPermissions.Forum_ID " & _
"AND (tblPermissions.Group_ID = 2 AND tblPermissions.View_Forum = " & strDBTrue & ") "
strSQL = strSQL & "AND (tblForum.Password = '' OR tblForum.Password Is Null) AND (tblTopic.Hide = " & strDBFalse & " AND tblThread.Hide = " & strDBFalse & ") ORDER BY tblThread.Message_date DESC "
'mySQL limit operator
If strDatabaseType = "mySQL" Then strSQL = strSQL & " LIMIT " & intLastestPostsTotal
strSQL = strSQL & ";"
rsCommon.Open strSQL, adoCon
If NOT rsCommon.EOF Then saryForumPosts = rsCommon.getRows()
'Close all connections, very important!!
Set rsCommon = Nothing
Set adoCon = Nothing
'No forum posts
If IsArray(saryForumPosts) = False Then
Response.Write "<span class=""text_arial"">No Forum Posts Made</span>"
'Forum posts have been made
'Loop through the array of forum posts
For intLoopCounter = 0 TO UBound(saryForumPosts, 2)
'saryForumPosts array lookup table
'0 = tblForum.Forum_name
'1 = tblTopic.Topic_ID
'2 = tblTopic.Subject
'3 = tblThread.Thread_ID
'4 = tblThread.Message_date
'5 = tblAuthor.Author_ID
'6 = tblAuthor.Username
'7 = tblThread.Message
strLastestPostsModTopicSubject = saryForumPosts(2, intLoopCounter)
'Crop the subject down to 18 characters
If Len(strLastestPostsModTopicSubject) > 18 then strLastestPostsModTopicSubject = Left(strLastestPostsModTopicSubject,30) & "..."
Response.Write("<a href=""" & strForumPath & "forum_posts.asp?TID=" & saryForumPosts(1, intLoopCounter) & """>" & strLastestPostsModTopicSubject & "</a><br />")
End If
Thank you for any help!: