ASP.NET Ajax Extensions

There's nothing that needs installing really. You just put the Assembly DLL in your Bin directory, upload the proper Web.config and off you go :p

At least, I didn't have a problem switching from the June Atlas release to beta 1 on my work server without installing.. My server at Jodohost is using 1.1 :/
If you'd take the time to read the link I provided you would know that there is something to install. It has to be on the GAC to work properly.

I hope someone at Jodo can give an answer.
I have this in my inbox and am evaluating it but have been delayed due to some external circumstances.
There's nothing that needs installing really. You just put the Assembly DLL in your Bin directory, upload the proper Web.config and off you go :p

At least, I didn't have a problem switching from the June Atlas release to beta 1 on my work server without installing.. My server at Jodohost is using 1.1 :/

hello. could you tell us what files you uploaded to the bin directory in order to get atlas working?
This from the ASP.NET forums

-- When ASP.NET AJAX Beta1 is copied into the GAC of a server, it can be used in partial/medium trust just fine by any application on it. So if your hoster has installed ASP.NET AJAX Beta1 on a remote system, you are set -- it will work fine in medium trust.

The problems in the above thread occur when your hoster hasn't installed ASP.NET AJAX Beta1 onto a system yet. Because of the way the Beta1 assembly is marked, it doesn't support simply copying into the \bin directory and having it work in partial trust. It has to be installed in the GAC of the system to support medium trust.

We are working hard with hosters to get them to install the ASP.NET AJAX Beta bits on their systems (meaning to add it to the GAC). Because this is a non-impactful install (it can't screw up anything on the machine), it is a very safe thing to-do and shouldn't cause any problems to any application. Once they install it, then you can simply copy your apps up to the remote system without any problems and have them run in partial trust.

link to forum post:
I really don't like running ANY beta on a production server, MS devs are saying it is safe and all but it is not good precedense.
I really don't like running ANY beta on a production server, MS devs are saying it is safe and all but it is not good precedense.

Well, it doesn't affect any existing code. It's just a new DLL and a set of client scripts that only work on sites that include them.
Yes, but I don't know the internal worksing of that beta DLL and what security implications it may have. MS doesn't have just the greatest security record as I am sure you may know :)
Yes, but I don't know the internal worksing of that beta DLL and what security implications it may have. MS doesn't have just the greatest security record as I am sure you may know :)

So that means no Ajax extensions for now? How long will it take to have them installed after RTM?

Thank you very much.
I have not said no yet, but I don't like installing beta DLLs on production servers, no matter how stable or secure. Ajax/Atlas has been in beta for well over a year now, there are reasons for it taking so long.

After it is RTM I have acces to it, sometimes even before general public being that we are Gold Partners.
Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. (D:\hshome\...\web.config line 63)

Looks like AJAX extensions aren't installed on Win24?
They are installed but IIS reset not done, it was done shortly after your post last night :)
Stil some error on your site but not AJAX.
Oh yeah, the site isn't likely to work out of the box.. but it was only a test anyway.
I didn't expect that particular error though, doesn't make much sense looking at the source code.
Thanks for fixing the AJAX extensions, now if I only had time... :)
Never mind... clear case of a CafeineLevelException.
Now I'm running into the real problem though.. as I half expected the NHibernate ORM library won't work without more reflection permissions than your server policy allows.

I'm not really sure what to do now, as the whole point of the project was to use NHibernate.. most hosts run at medium trust, but some of them do not restrict Reflection. I disabled some optimization feature and changed some mappings to get around that problem, but now I'm getting some other vague trust related error that Google hasn't been able to help me with yet *sigh*