forums and cms

I'm looking to see if there are any .net forums out there besides the big ones. Community Server is great, but somewhat crippled for the free version. Well no IP banning, not too bad.

Dotnetnuke is great, but very lacking on their modules. The forums are something to be desired, same with the gallery and blogs.

Yet another .net forum is ok. Not very visually appealing. Any one know of others?
Webwiz is going non free now isn't it?

That is fine borg puts a lot of work into it he deserves to make some money :)

However on that note there are some really nice based(webwiz is still asp, not I have used one in the instant product line called InstantASP.NET it runs about $199 but it is a good product and it is very fast. is the URL.
Unfortunately I don't have enough money to pay for one, if I did I'd get Community Server. It bums me out that DNN doesn't have better forums.
What exactly bothers you with the DNN forums? I'm using it and none of my users seem to mind. They actually love the aggregated forum feature as well.
I used them about 8 months ago. They were ok. No PM's then and I did not like the reliance on the gallery for emoticons, neither were very stable. I also didn't like how I had to give people page admin access for them to be forums admins. It's just not there yet.
...aside: strange how the forum took my url I posted and grabbed the title text - www. activemodules. com
Please see my site :)

No SPAMMER they can't find what they want, welcome to being BANNED.
Re: Please see my site :)

I'm being picky. No ASP.nt forums look impressive, besides community server that is. Maybe because they have a professional design.
Because asp is unsupported and a scripting lanugage. I suggest skip asp and jump into .net. Plus I use it at my job, so I prefer it.