Hi folks
Its come to my attention that a site of mine may have been hacked into.
I know it can be done by various methods (password via brute force, sql injection etc).
I have access to the logs, I am wondering what to look for to look for anything suspicious.
I have looked for various SQL command keywords (EXEC, table, convert, char, the single quote character, the comment quoe etc) -but nothing seems to be coming up.
Are there patterns to search for? anything else that might come up in the logs?
Its come to my attention that a site of mine may have been hacked into.
I know it can be done by various methods (password via brute force, sql injection etc).
I have access to the logs, I am wondering what to look for to look for anything suspicious.
I have looked for various SQL command keywords (EXEC, table, convert, char, the single quote character, the comment quoe etc) -but nothing seems to be coming up.
Are there patterns to search for? anything else that might come up in the logs?