Backup Scripts for Resellers.


Are there any good Backup scripts that a Reseller of H-Sphere plans could use to backup all of their clients webspace and database?s?

Being a Reseller, I can't use some of the scripts that I have found that can be integrated into the control panel as I don't have the proper access to install them.

I would be willing to pay a fee, if required for the use of the script(s).

I would like the ability to do Daily & Weekly Full backup?s and also the ability to Restore a specific client?s web data and or database's.

Thank?s to all who respond.
daily back ups are taken from jodohost, and they will restore databases etc i believe on request.

jodohost, what is the status on restores is it only databases or websites?

be nice to know incase
Correct, we do backup of HTTP and DataBases. Client's data can be restored from the backup on requst. Kindly open a ticket, if you need to restore it.

Usually, restoration services is free. We rarely charge for this operation. But in that case, customer/reseller is informed first.
Thanks to all!!!

Then as I understand it, all of my clients HTTP & database info will be backup by Jodohost on a daily basis.

As far as databases are concerned, does that include ALL:

Oracle 10g


So far, I?m quite pleased with Jodohost.

I would however like to see the newer version of H-Sphere (2.4.3 with EasyApp) installed.

I am also VERY interested in the proposed upcoming availability of Virtuozzo + HSPComplete!!!.

Keep up the good work Jodohost!!
and i can confirm an entire delete email account (with the emails and settings) be recovered within hours.

jodo is amazing with support. it shows that they are people who care about people compared to some unnamed companies who care about revenues and being listed on top notch magazines for their growth.

slow and steady always with the race. :D