Billing a client that are in the same controle panel


Billing clients that are in the same controle panel

I have about 15 clients right now.

About 5 of them want to have their controle panel, the rest I'm taking care of their website completly.

Is it possible to bill a customer that don't have a controle panel ???
I would put the 10 other clients that don't need a controle panel in the same controle panel as my service domain.

Is that possible ?
You could use MS Money for small business, MS word, or quickbooks, all would work for you, but not automatically :)
Yes we already have something for billing we actually running a computer store too with a programming departement here near Montreal In Canada :D

Thanks for the tips
Re: Billing clients that are in the same controle panel

Kevin said:
Is it possible to bill a customer that don't have a controle panel ???

I've never used it, but have a look at Paypal Subscriptions, which should allow you to set up regular payments.