Billing Problems - Unresolved - Recurrent Reseller???

Hello, I have submitted 2 e-mails to and submitted a trouble ticket on this as well... I received another e-mail yesterday that says if i don't pay the overage I will be shut off. Please help...

I deleted the account in question, as it was charging $.50-$1.00 a day. SOmething weird has happened on the system.

I need help resolving this as soon as possible. I do not owe the amount noted for the charges to jrkaiser and the account old24



On my account I received an invoice for $15 for something called ?recurrent reseller?. $12 was for multiple charges for the customer account under ?old24?. I had received multiple automated e-mails during setup after crediting the account for $150? now the account shows a credit of over $700? not sure what happened, but I don?t believe I owe the $12 for the charges in question.

Please see the transcript below.

You are now chatting with 'Gineey'
Gineey: Hello. How may I assist you?
Justin: I have a billing question.
Justin: I received a bill in my e-mail that says I owe $15 on the account "jrkaiser"
Gineey: ok
Justin: The charges were for Recurrent Reseller
Justin: And are all for the account that I set up for
Gineey: i need to check
Gineey: please be with me on chat
Gineey: while i check the same
Justin: Also, as I look at the account in my control panel, I credited it for $150 and it's at $700+... very weird
Justin: The username in question is "old24"
Gineey: hello Justin,
Gineey: please send an email to
Gineey: this will take some time to calculate
Gineey: it cann't be solve on Live chat
Justin: Sounds good... Will my account be shut down if I don't pay until it's figured out?
Gineey: please let me know your user name and password for reseller account
Gineey: and also for old24
Justin: reseller - jrkaiser/BLOCKED
Justin: old24 - old24/BLOCKED
Gineey: no your account will not be shut for this period
Gineey: ok thanks
Justin: Thank you...
I did receive a response last night... but I don't feel it was looked into adequately.

I understand what the Recurrent Reseller charges are for, I don't understand WHY they are there multiple times... for the same account. I set up "old24" 1 time, yet it shows multiple instances of Recurrent Reseller. With multiple charges.

There are approx $3.00 in recurrent reseller accounts that I know I owe. But all but 1 for Old24 are not correct charges.

These charges have all happened this 10/10/06. In addition, it did some really weird things to the accounting when I added a $150 credit, it somehow multiplied that by 6 or 7 times.

It seems as if the server was stuck in a loop.

Please take a deeper look at this issue as I feel that I do not owe money for these charges.

I eventually just deleted that specific account and moved it to a different host until this is resolved.


-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Monday, October 16, 2006 1:50 AM
Subject: Re: [RS #GHS-96382-645]: Billing - Being Charged for Recurrent Reseller

Hi Justin:

The amount mentioned is for additional charges. To find these details, please do the following:

1. Login to your reseller CP (not your admin CP).
2. Select Billing.
3. Select Billing Statements. Look for the period where these charges are made. Please read the details under Discription, in the line where these charges are billed.
4. If you see green dollor sign ($) in this line, you will find additional details when you click on $ sign.

Please contact us, if you need further details.

Kind Regards

> Hello,
> We have received your request and are transfering it to our Billing
> Department. You will receive a reply within son. You may directly
> follow up with them at to have an expeditious
> reply. We thank you for your co-operation"
> Regards
> Yogesh
We had taken up your issue, 2 days ago. Please read the reply from Psoft:

"Reseller 'jrkaiser' was billed $12.00, i.e. $0.50 * 24 as you can see in details for the respective his billing statement, becuase his end-user account 4357121 was billed the same times, i.e. 24, per monthly fee for the plan.
Account 4357121 was billed 24 times for the plan per recurrent fee becuase there was his billing period start date changed backward to 11/1/06. You may check the account 4357121 billing statements. That's why we see such messing with billing in end-user and reseller accounts. It is strongly recommended to avoid changing start billing date whenever possible, as it greatly affects customer billing. More about this you can read at:"

We have raised credit limt for 10 days, so that your account does not get suspended while this issue get resolved.
I appreciate the fact that you are looking into this, however, would have appreciated more communication. I was not informed of the latest on this.

I have also never had an issue previously when changing the start date to the beginning of the next month. This is the first time I have seen this happen. We do all of our billing to our clients on the 1st of every month.

just as a FYI, Psoft recommends to NEVER change billing dates as it creates large problems for many people. I will try to find their exact words on it, but I have seen it a number of times.