BlackBerry users

I'm getting questions from several BlackBerry users regarding this error message:
This email account is not currently accessible by your BlackBerry device, so
you may be experiencing a delay in email delivery. This issue may be caused
by a temporary problem with your email provider. BlackBerry Internet Service
will continue attempting to access this account.

It's not a regular error message, bet it has been happening more frequently lately.

Are there any optional mail services (or upgrades) I can offer to elminate this error.

I really try to discourage setting up email accounts directly on the BlackBerry - I've found it works MUCH better to just forward email for the domain to the email address that BlackBerry provides....but a few customers need direct access for various reasons.

Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated!
If they are using blackberry internet services, it could be temporarily blocked for having 100's of connections at a time. the BB internet services feed all requests through a couple IPs it seems, and make for EXTREME connections to server, I mean a couple hundred is not uncommon, and I've seen over 1000. This prevent mail from making it to other users when gets up there in the connection amounts.

I am not sure why the do it this way exactly...but they do. I can push mail to my palm phone realtime without tying up a connection 100% of the time, much less multiple connections for each device as the blackberry services do it.
I never really liked the BlackBerry model - I understand their thinking, and can see it working on a smaller scale, but when ALL those requests go through one service ....

I also prefer my Palm or even WinMobile (wow, did I really say that?) - and have never had problems like this.

Any suggestions? If it's a temporary block, how often is it reset?

Most of the BlackBerry stuff I've read or been referred to involves deleting the account (form the BlackBerry) and starting over. Not a very user-friendly solution!

I know this is WAY outside your support parameters - but obviously BlackBerry support wants to blame everything on the mail server :evil:

Are there any optional services to accomodate BlackBerrys? Knowing RIM they're probably REALLY expensive....
I actually just asked Praveen, and there is currently no block on any blackberry IPs.

The optional services we did evaluate about 1.5 years ago just after cluster2 launch, and for us to start a shared blackberry server service was going to be way too costly to ever be profitable at reasonable rates :( and by the time we could turn the losses into a profit, we'd have to look at upgrading starting the cycle over again, so the ROI is very very long for a shared service. There would also be some security issues possible as it is more geared to a large enterprise than a small multi domain model. That is why they started the BIS for the personal email and all, keeping the monopoly on small services to themselves (and phone companies that reseller the RIM BIS servers)
I am fairly certain that all of my 'problems' are from users that have a carrrier that forces them to use BIS - you can't even setup an email account from the phone, it HAS to be done using the carrier's website and BIS!

Question: Would you be blocking an IP from the carrier instead of a BlackBerry IP, if the carrier were using BIS?

I didn't think RIM would offer a cost-effective, simple solution. It seems like their moto is 'over-engineer and over charge'! :)

Thanks for your help - I realize this is not your problem, and I appreciate your input!
There is a slight chance it could be, here I know att/sprint/verizon/tmo all just sell BIS on the one off phones that is using the blackberry services IPs and servers.
if this is another provider, I have a way to possibly know, by using a rarely hit domain/subdomain it could be logged by visiting the website of that domain, and looking at the logs for the hit. the BIS filters all traffic through it to my knowledge, like a proxy, so this should work to capture the IP. Now if BIS email also is served by RIM, then regular web traffic via the carrier, it could be an issue, but I am pretty certain BIS does a lot of caching and compression on their servers then sends to the device.
Well, it looks like it's just ATT that seems to have issues.

I try to encourage all my clients NOT to use a direct setup (just use a forward instead), but of the few that do both Sprint and Verizon do not seem to have this issue.

The only problems seem to be on ATT....still trying to see if there is any pattern - of course if you try and watch for the just won't happen!
They all connect using Blackberry's network, which in turn keeps a connections open our mailservers at all times. Many hundreds of connections on both IMAP and IMAP-SSL port are quite common from Blackberry network at any point of time, and this is situation on each mailserver. They seems to offer business email experience for people, at expense of extra resources at our end.
I am having clients not be able to connect, does anyone know who I can have them contact to help with this issue? They are running on Mail10 and they can receive email but not on their blackberry.
Is this something that you can check on a specific domain if I submit a ticket?

The reason I ask, is the problem is coming up at least once or twice each week. But it mysteriously 'goes away' at some point.

I have never submitted a ticket because it is so random, and I didn't think there was anything Jodo or myself could do about it anyway.