Cannot create table using Enterprise Manager

Anybody else getting the error message,

"You are not logged on as the database owner or system administrator. You might not be able to save changes to tables that you do not own."

What's up with this? (see screenshot)


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You can also do it without dbo permissions however... At least, I did it (don't know if I'm a reference :D )

Yash said:
open a ticket asking for dbo permissions on your username for your database

Does this need to be done for every login created for MS SQL? What about my customers that plan on using MS SQL?

There has to be an alternative, I'm surprised the proper permissions aren't already set for the appropriate users.
DBO permissions are not given by default and they are not necessarily needed. Just submit a ticket on any login name you'd like DBO permissions to be given and it will be completed within 20min
Yash said:
DBO permissions are not given by default and they are not necessarily needed. Just submit a ticket on any login name you'd like DBO permissions to be given and it will be completed within 20min

Thanks Yash, I'll submit a ticket.

I'm just curious though, what do you mean they aren't necessarily needed? How would you setup your DB in MS SQL (i.e. transfer data from previous MS SQL Server, create a table/stored procedure/diagram/view/etc.) without DBO permissions?
Well, with me evrything worked just fine, from copying the tables and its content to the copying of stored procedures. Yes, I did get that message, but I'm used to working with windows and simply clicked "OK" to continue :D and ... it worked :)) You might want to have dbo permissions to avoid the error message and probably to enable other things (don't know what though).

I get the same message every time I try to create or edit the design of a table. Note that it says "you *might* not be able to" save your changes. I always have been. So when I get the warning I just click "Ok" and go about my business. ;)