Can't use form mail on mail server 3


About 3 days ago mail from my website's php form stopped arriving in my inbox. Email addresses other than those ending with my domain name receive the mail fine. I submitted a ticket and was told that becaues I am on web server 3 and mail server 3 I cannot receive emails through my form. Apparently web server 3 now blocks mail server 3's IP address.

Anybody else having this problem? Is the only way around this for me to have mail directed to a Hotmail or Yahoo address? The better option is probably to change hosts.
As long as you have valid headers in your form mails, there will be no block. This is not the case with php in default configuration. Better here is to use something like phpmailer (
It has valid headers and emails arrive at addresses other than mine.

Tech support told me you can't send mail through mail server 3 from a form on web server 3. A friend of mine is on mail server 1 and he can receive emails from the form.
Jay7 said:
Tech support told me you can't send mail through mail server 3 from a form on web server 3.
There is a reason for it. And if you provide me headers i can help you understand this.
I can even get it working for now, but wont gurantee it wont re-occur. This is just an anti-spam measure.