CDOsys not working

make sure they all have authentication on them, or you can bypass by using localhost as the mail server address.

if that doesn't work submit a ticket, that will be responded to ticket more likly. than here.

disclaimer - jodohost im not saing your support forums are slow, just ticket is better as it will be seen, not missed like within the forum ;)
These are forms on different sites and servers (win5 and win7) that have been working for months. They have authentication on and use mail.*****.com. Sending through localhost sometimes gets them trapped by spam filters as they won't be authenticated, and anyhow I'm fed up changing 20 forms every time someone decides they should be done differently! Some of my clients even manage their own websites!
The ticket's in half an hour ago but not answered yet. My experience is that the ticket system is slow lately (i know it's been a busy time with the IP changes), so I wanted to see if anyone else was having similar problems.
Now seems to be working as it should (thanks Stephen, and Maheep). Fast, too.

Headers look good. no longer automatically tags them as spam... yeah! Let's hope it stays that way.

One potential glitch is this header when received through SBCglobal:

Some of my recipients' servers (.edu domains) are 'way' too over-sensitive to the possibility of spam (to the point that I don't see how they function at all), and I'm thinking they may reject because of that. I've never been able to send a couple of them any mail from a website, but it'd be nice if I could. Any chance of that being sorted, too? :)

I will check into the edu issue, but as you said, they are very restrictive many times, as many of them get bandwidth from regional educational bandwidth providers that do all kinds of filtering.(I have personally worked with them before)
is there any issues with the mail server?

i have a cliet that hasn't been recioeving emails today and yerturday with CDOSYS,

they have email authentification....

they have a WWF forum, it sent a mass mail of 73 the other day fine.

but today and yerturday not even a email sent to a user or subscriptions are being recieved.

nothing has changed.

im getting him to try another component but it shoukld work hes on win8

-- edit ---
got hiom to change to aspmail and worked fine... but would prefer CDOSYS
I have tested CDOSYS on win8(yesterday), and not had any problems. Can you PM me some info with the domain and I will drop a test script in and check it out.
Emagine said:
is there any issues with the mail server?

i have a cliet that hasn't been recioeving emails today and yerturday with CDOSYS,

they have email authentification.... hiom to change to aspmail and worked fine... but would prefer CDOSYS

it sounds similar to the problem I was having on win5/7. It's okay now, but as a workaround I had changed the timeout setting on a couple of forms from 10 to 100, and it seemed to work okay, though it was all very clunky.

here's part of the script I use:

set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set Flds = iConf.Fields

With Flds
.Item("") = cdoBasic
.Item("") = "[email protected]"
.Item("") = "xxxxxx"
.Item("") = 2
.Item("") =
.Item("") = 100 '<- I changed this from 10 to get it to work
End With

a setting of 10 is working okay for me now, though.
after posting the thread. stephen checked a test script into the offending site and that worked.

i had also checked anopther of the sites , and that worked. both sites where on win8,

using WWF style forums. the one that wasn't had soop portal, which maybe the issue but not sure on that as it was working

anyway ill get him to try it again

cheers stephen
I am also having CDONTS issues ... havent changed any code ... mail is not sending ... last email received was 3 days ago .... anyone know why?
just a thought .. because it was working the other day .. no code changes ... can someone please tell me if the IUSR has access to the CDONTS dll ... seems like permissions have changed ... I am not receiving any error messages on the send but no emails are coming ....