cf admin question

Hi all,
I cant seem to get the site wide 404 page to hook up properly.. In 7.0 admin heres what the description says:

Specify the relative path to the template to execute when ColdFusion cannot find a requested template.

Relative to what? Is this implying I should create a cf mapping to it? Also, does anyone know if the CF service needs to be restarted for these settings to take effect?

I can get the IIS 404 page to show up fine, but any coldfusion request (that doesnt exist) made to the server gives me a


Cold Fusion ignores the IIS settings, you can however set a defaults error page in your Application.cfm file, which can be used.

ref: cferror tag
Care to tell how you would set this default page per application? I was under the impression you could only set a site-wide one. I know you can handle other errors through cferror like database errors, etc, but not missing template.