cfmail trouble

This code has always worked and now stopped. Our client uses it for sending a suggestion for visit to a friend.

<cfmail FROM="[email protected]" to="#form.destination#" subject="blablablablabla" port="25" server="" timeout="20"
type="html" charset="iso-8859-1">

Anything we should know?
Any changes server side?
well, for us it just simply stopped working. X(

No matter what we try. I have run out of creativity.

This is what we have there at the moment:

<cfmail FROM="[email protected]" to="#form.destination#" subject="zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" port="25"
server="[email protected]:[email protected]" timeout="20"
type="html" charset="iso-8859-1">

Please, can anybody point whats wrong?
Aslo, instead of putting everything in the "server" attribute, the cfmail tag also has "username" and "password" attributes.

So, an example:

<cfmail to="[email protected]" from="[email protected]" server="" username="XXXXXXX" password="XXXXXXXX">

Unless Jodohost has some setting in CF Admin set to disable the "username" and "password" attributes.

Also, if you set the "username" and "password" attributes, and also put the username:password in the "server" attribute, what is in the "server" overrides the others.
very annoying :O

Doesnt matter which format I use, it works right when sending the message to outside Networks...but if I try to send to a mail box here... either does not come...or it takes several hours (around 6 or 7 hours delay).

Now, what can I say...?
Please, could anybody try to make that same test?

Do you receive inside the network here ok?

Thanks guys